October 25, 2023

How to Save Your Ecommerce Store from Cart Abandonment Woes

Author imaage
Hiya Chaplot
Associate Growth Manager
Preventing Cart Abandonment

Customers want to be able to find what they're looking for quickly and easily, without any hassle. Unfortunately, many online stores are plagued by high cart abandonment rates. In fact, the average cart abandonment rate is a staggering 70%

This indicates that businesses need to ensure a smooth and seamless ecommerce experience at every possible touchpoint in the buying journey. If you make it a priority to give shoppers an unforgettable, intuitive, and smooth-sailing buying experience, they will most likely go through the checkout process (and maybe even spend more). 

Effective ways to ensure low cart abandonment on your ecommerce store

1. Be transparent about costs from the get-go 

48% of users abandoned their cart because of extra costs being too high. This is why businesses need to be upfront and honest with your customers from the start. Don't try to hide the true cost of shipping or product until the last minute – this will only result in abandoned carts and frustrated customers. Be clear about any additional charges that may apply, such as taxes or duties, so there are no surprises at checkout. This will help build trust with your customers and encourage them to complete their purchase.

2. Make the checkout experience fast and hassle-free 

If your customers have to jump through hoops just to complete their purchase, they're likely to abandon their shopping carts and never come back. Checkout optimization, on the other hand, can increase your conversions by as much as 35.62%!

That's why it's important to make the checkout experience fast and hassle-free. Here are a few tips:

3. Offer free shipping

One simple way to do this is to offer free shipping. The reason is simple - shoppers appreciate (and are willing to spend more) when brands offer free shipping above a certain order value. In fact, 93% of online buyers are encouraged to buy more products if free shipping options are available whereas 58% of consumers add more items to cart to qualify for free shipping.

If you're not currently offering free shipping, now is the time to start. It's an easy way to boost sales and make your customers happy. Not to mention, it's a great way to stand out from the competition.

4. Make shoppers feel secure while sharing their credit card information

Around 18% of users abandoned their cart because they trust the site with their credit card information. Here are a few tips to ease this concern -

5. Offer relevant product recommendations throughout the buying process

If users can't find what they're looking for, they're likely to abandon their shopping carts and never come back. So, how do you keep your customers from leaving in a huff? By offering product recommendations throughout the buying process! Here are a few tips on how to do that:

Make every step of the buying process delightful to reduce abandonment

Online retailers lose a whopping $18 billion in sales revenue every year because of cart abandonment. Suffice to say, it is a burning issue that ecommerce companies must address and the best way to do this is to focus on delivering a superior buying experience at every step. 

Offering an intuitive product search and discovery experience on your ecommerce site is one of the best ways to approach this. With AI-powered platforms like Zevi, companies can implement advanced search functionality to offer relevant search results and intelligent product recommendations personalized to each user. 

Experience Zevi today by booking a free trial

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