AI Chat and Shopping Assistant for Ecommerce

Your complete guide to the best AI Chat and Shopping Assistant Software

A conversational AI chatbot for your ecommerce bot strategy can transform the shopping experience for site visitors and provide immediate customer support through messaging apps, effectively acting as a 24/7 live agent.

Let Zevi be your guide in helping you understand the ins and outs of a comprehensive AI chat and shopping assistant.

Who can use AI chat and shopping assistant solutions?

How to use AI as a chat and shopping assistant?

How can AI chat and shopping assistant tools help online D2C stores?

What are the different types of AI chatbots?

In the rapidly evolving digital marketplace, AI chat and shopping assistants for ecommerce have become pivotal in enhancing customer experience and driving sales. These virtual assistants leverage advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and natural language processing to offer personalized shopping experiences.

There are six types of AI chatbots that are revolutionizing the way online businesses engage with customers. Let's explore them now.

  • Rule-based chatbots
  • Keyword recognition-based chatbots
  • Menu-based chatbots
  • Contextual chatbots
  • Hybrid chatbots
  • Voice-enabled chatbots

Rule- based chatbots

Rule-based chatbots follow predefined pathways to interact with users. By setting specific rules and triggers, these chatbots can guide customers through a structured conversation. They are excellent for handling routine tasks and frequently asked questions, ensuring quick access to information. However, their ability to handle complex support queries may be limited.

Keyword recognition-based chatbots

Keyword recognition-based chatbots identify keywords in customer interactions to deliver relevant responses. By analyzing queries for specific words or phrases, they can provide answers from a knowledge base. This type of chatbot enhances the client service experience by offering quick and accurate information, although it might struggle with nuanced language or unique questions.

Menu-based chatbots

Menu-based chatbots offer users options and menus to navigate through their queries. This straightforward approach simplifies the user journey, making it easier for users to find what they need. These chatbots are suited for stores with a straightforward product lineup or services list, ensuring customers can easily make choices without feeling overwhelmed.

Contextual chatbots

Contextual chatbots represent the pinnacle of AI chatbot technology. Powered by machine learning and natural language processing, they understand and remember the context of conversations. This ability allows them to deliver highly personalized customer experiences, improve customer satisfaction, and build customer loyalty over time. They adapt to user preferences and behaviors, making them ideal for ecommerce platforms looking to offer superior user engagement.

Hybrid chatbots

Hybrid chatbots combine the best features of rule-based and AI-powered chatbots. They can handle routine inquiries with predefined rules and engage in more complex conversations using AI. This versatility makes them a valuable asset for ecommerce chatbot platforms, as they can cater to a wide range of customer needs, from basic queries to personalized shopping assistance.

Voice-enabled chatbots

Voice-enabled chatbots take customer interaction to the next level by allowing users to communicate through spoken language. They leverage conversational AI to understand and respond to voice commands, providing a hands-free shopping experience. Ideal for online retailers looking to enhance accessibility and user engagement, these chatbots are making online shopping more convenient and accessible for everyone.

How to choose the right AI chat and shopping assistant tool?

  1. Consider the customer journey on your online store: 

    A good ecommerce chatbot should support customers from browsing to purchase, providing relevant responses to queries and product suggestions. This boosts customer experience, driving sales and loyalty.

  2. Evaluate the chatbot's ability to integrate with your ecommerce platform:

    The best ecommerce chatbots seamlessly work across various messaging channels, including Facebook Messenger, ensuring consistent brand voice and customer interactions. Look for features like natural language processing and machine learning, which allow the chatbot to learn from previous conversations and offer more personalized support.

  3. Prioritize chatbots that offer comprehensive analytics reports:

    These insights help you understand customer behavior, refine your sales process, and improve client service experience. Additionally, consider the scalability of the chatbot solutions. As your online business grows, your AI chatbot should be able to handle increasing volumes of support queries without compromising on response time or quality.

  4. AI chatbots capable of conducting conversational AI:

    This involves retargeting campaigns and also processes that automate sales. Select a chatbot that aligns with your long-term strategy for engaging customers and boosting revenue.

Essential features of a great AI chat and shopping assistant tool

Product Recommendations

A standout feature of AI chatbots in ecommerce is their ability to analyze customer behavior and preferences to offer tailored product suggestions. This personalized shopping experience not only enhances customer satisfaction but also increases the likelihood of purchases.

Chat Support

Immediate and efficient customer support is crucial for online retailers. AI chatbots excel in providing 24/7 assistance, answering customer support queries, and solving routine issues, thereby improving the overall client service experience.

Advanced Search

Leveraging natural language processing, AI shopping assistants allow customers to use conversational language to search for products. This makes finding products easier and more intuitive, enhancing the user journey on ecommerce platforms.

Price & Performance Comparison

AI chatbots can offer valuable insights by comparing prices and product features. This helps customers make informed decisions, driving sales and customer loyalty.

Image and Speech Recognition

With the integration of image and speech recognition technologies, customers can now search for products using images or voice commands, offering a seamless and interactive shopping experience.

Price Prediction

Some AI tools can analyze market trends to predict price changes, advising customers on the best time to purchase. This advanced feature can significantly enhance the customer experience by helping shoppers save money.

Targeted Push Notification

AI-driven push notifications are highly effective for re-engaging customers. By analyzing past behaviors and preferences, AI chatbots can send personalized messages about deals, new arrivals, or abandoned cart reminders.

Integrations with Other Support Tools

The best AI chatbots are those that integrate smoothly with existing customer support tools, such as CRM systems and email marketing software, ensuring a cohesive client service experience.

Custom Recommendations

Beyond suggesting products, AI chatbots can offer customized advice on products based on the customer's unique needs and past interactions, further personalizing the shopping experience.

Omnichannel Platform

An effective AI chatbot operates across multiple channels, such as web, mobile, and social media platforms, offering a consistent and accessible customer service experience wherever the customer prefers to shop.

Data Privacy & Security

With the increasing importance of data security, AI chatbots must ensure the highest standards of privacy and protection for customer data, fostering trust and confidence in the brand.

Chatbot API

A flexible chatbot API allows for custom integrations and enhancements, enabling businesses to tailor the chatbot experience to their specific ecommerce needs.

Sentiment Analysis

AI chatbots with sentiment analysis can gauge the tone and mood of customer interactions, allowing for more empathetic and effective communication.

By integrating these tools, online retailers can not only increase revenue and user engagement but also build lasting relationships with their customers, ensuring a bright future for ecommerce.

Questions to Ask on a Demo About the Software and Company

  1. How do AI ecommerce chatbots improve customer satisfaction and loyalty?

    This question delves into the chatbot's ability to provide immediate, relevant responses to client queries, thereby enhancing the overall customer service experience. It's essential to understand the mechanisms the AI employs to ensure users find what they're looking for, fostering a positive interaction with your brand.

  2. Can you demonstrate how the ecommerce chatbot handles a complex customer journey?

    A thorough walk-through of various customer interactions—from initial engagement through to post-purchase support—can showcase the chatbot's versatility. This includes how it aids in product suggestions, order tracking, and addressing customer feedback, which are pivotal in creating a seamless online shopping experience.

  3. What machine learning and natural language processing technologies power the ecommerce chatbot?

    This inquiry sheds light on the sophistication of the AI, particularly its ability to learn from previous conversations, understand user intent, and adapt its responses accordingly. The goal is to gauge the chatbot's ability to offer human-like interactions, thereby enhancing user engagement.

  4. How does the platform integrate with existing ecommerce and customer support systems?

    Compatibility with your current setup is vital. Understanding the integration process reveals how easily the chatbot can synchronize with your online store, customer data, and support channels to provide a unified customer experience.

  5. What metrics or analytics reports does the ecommerce chatbot provide to track its performance?

    Access to detailed analytics allows you to measure the direct impact of the chatbot on conversion rates, customer satisfaction, and other key performance indicators. It's also crucial for identifying areas for improvement.

  6. How customizable is the ecommerce chatbot in terms of brand voice and user engagement strategies?

    Ensuring the chatbot reflects your brand's tone and ethos is essential for maintaining a consistent brand voice across all customer interactions. This question also explores the flexibility of the chatbot to adapt to different sales tactics and messaging channels.

  7. What support and training resources are available?

    Lastly, it's important to know the level of ongoing support and training the company offers. This includes the availability of human agents to take over complex queries and the provision of a knowledge base for your team to leverage AI ecommerce chatbots effectively.

Get personalized guidance from our experts

The best AI chat and shopping assistant tools of 2024

Key features :

Neural Search Integration: Harnesses the power of neural search to deliver human-like conversations and relevant product suggestions.

Customizable Appearance and Conversational Tone: Offers flexibility in setting the chat personality to align with your brand voice.

Multilingual Support: Supports over 90 languages, making it accessible to a global audience.

Prioritization at Scale: Boosts high-performing products based on engagement, revenue, and customer ratings, enhancing the shopping experience.

Seamless Integration: Easy to set up and integrates smoothly with existing systems.

Pros :

Enhanced Customer Engagement: Provides a personalized and conversational shopping experience, improving customer satisfaction.

Increased Revenue: The re-ranking feature helps in promoting high-performing search results, potentially increasing sales.

Brand Customization: Allows for customization of the chatbot’s appearance and tone to better represent the brand.

Global Reach: With support for 90+ languages, it caters to a diverse customer base worldwide.

Pricing :

AI chat and shopping assistant tools cost is generally on a tier-based pricing. And, Zevi's Chatscout model also accommodates various business sizes and needs. Here are the details in bullet points:

Starter plan

  • Price: $20 per month
  • Includes 1000 user messages
  • Features: Contextual search & recommendation, domain knowledge, intelligent ranking, multi language conversational support, customization of chat interface and assistant’s personality, customer support integration, shipping level questions

Why customers rave about Zevi?

Manifest AI

Algolia offers a robust and developer-friendly platform with broad search capabilities, including a comprehensive API across all devices.

Key features :

Precise and personalized product recommendations

Streamlines the buying process, reduces purchase time

Multilingual support for diverse customer bases


  • Increases conversions by 10%
  • Engages customers with tailored prompts


  • Primarily focused on Shopify platforms
  • Limited information on integration with other e-commerce platforms

Rep AI

Rep AI is an AI-powered chatbot that enhances the Shopify shopping experience by engaging with customers through personalized recommendations, upselling, and supporting of requests automatically.

Key features :

Multi language support with sales assistance & live chat integration

Behavioral targeting to nudge when the customer is about to leave website

Product recommendations and performance analytics


  • Integration with live chat apps (like Gorgias)
  • Detailed analytics


  • Platform support limited to Shopify stores
  • Pricing is based on overall website visitor and products

Zipchat AI

Zipchat is an AI chatbot for e-commerce, designed to transform visitors into buyers by engaging them with human-like sales conversations.

Key features :

Multi language support

Can provide own instructions to bot

Product recommendations


  • Can teach the bot using corrections & own chatbot instructions
  • Can set proactive chat
  • Available on multiple platforms


    • Limited chatbot customizations


    PulseChat is a GPT-4 powered AI sales chatbot that boosts sales and automates support on Shopify stores.

    Key features :

    Multi language support

    Personalised product recommendations


    • Can teach the bot using corrections


    • Platform support limited to Shopify stores
    • Limited AI capabilities
    • No analytics

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    Best practices for implementing AI chat and shopping assistant tools

    Implementing AI chat and shopping assistant tools in your ecommerce platform can transform user engagement and increase revenue. To ensure a seamless integration, below listed are some of the eight best practices for implementing AI chat and shopping assistant tools.

    1. Select the Right Ecommerce Chatbot Platform

      • Choose a platform that complements your brand voice and caters to the specific needs of your online store
      • Ensure the platform supports conversational AI for engaging customer interactions.
    2. Leverage Natural Language Processing

      • Implement chatbots that utilize natural language processing to understand and respond to user queries effectively.
    3. Enhance Customer Satisfaction

      • Train AI chatbots with a comprehensive knowledge base for quick, relevant responses and product suggestions
      • Aim to improve the customer service experience, fostering customer loyalty.

    4. Integrate Across Messaging Channels

      • Deploy your ecommerce chatbot on multiple messaging channels for consistent support, including Facebook Messenger and your online store.
    5. Hybrid Chatbot Strategy

      • Combine AI efficiency with human empathy for a balanced customer support system.
      • Allow chatbots to handle routine tasks, freeing up live agents for complex queries.
    6. Monitor and Analyze Performance

      • Use analytics reports to track the chatbot's performance and customer engagement levels.
      • Refine your chatbot strategy based on insights gathered to better match user intent.
    7. Focus on Conversational Commerce

      • Utilize AI chatbots to drive sales, increase revenue, and improve conversion rates through personalized engagement.
      • Consider the chatbot as a tool for conversational commerce, enhancing the user journey.

    8. Prepare for Future Retargeting Campaigns

      • Collect valuable customer data through interactions with the AI chatbot for targeted future marketing efforts.

    10 Tips to Improve Shopping Experience Using AI Chatbots

    In today's digital era, virtual assistants powered by advancements in language models through artificial intelligence and natural language processing, offer a seamless customer service experience.In today's digital era, virtual assistants powered by advancements in language models through artificial intelligence and natural language processing, offer a seamless customer service experience.

    Below are ten practical tips to leverage AI chatbots effectively for an improved shopping experience.

    1. Personalize Customer Interactions

      AI powered chatbots excel in providing personalized shopping experiences. By analyzing previous conversations and customer data, they can offer product suggestions and deals tailored to the user's preferences, making every customer feel understood and valued.

    2. Automate Routine Tasks

      Deploy chatbots to handle routine tasks such as answering frequently asked customer questions, order tracking, and inventory checks. This automation allows human agents to focus on more complex user queries, ensuring a swift and efficient service.

    3. Enhance Customer Support

      Integrate AI powered chatbots into your customer support framework to offer quick access to help 24/7. These bots can resolve common issues, provide knowledge base articles, and when necessary, seamlessly hand off to live agents for more in-depth assistance.

    4. Improve Response Times

      With AI chatbots, response times to user queries can be significantly reduced. Instantaneous responses not only improve customer satisfaction but also help in keeping the customer engaged with your brand.

    5. Gather Valuable Customer Feedback

      Utilize chatbots to collect feedback from customers post-interaction or purchase. This feedback is crucial for understanding customer needs and improving the overall shopping experience.

    6. Optimize for Conversational Commerce

      Leverage conversational AI to make shopping interactive. AI chatbots can guide customers through the sales process, recommend products, and even process transactions, mimicking a real-life sales assistant.

    7. Boost Engagement on Messaging Channels

      Integrate your AI chatbot with popular messaging apps like Facebook Messenger to engage customers where they spend a lot of their time. This approach not only enhances customer experience but also opens up new channels for driving sales.

    8. Use Analytics to Refine Strategies

      AI chatbots come with analytics capabilities that provide insights into customer behavior and preferences. Use these analytics reports to refine your marketing and retargeting campaigns for better conversion rates.

    9. Implement Hybrid Chatbot Solutions

      Combine the efficiency of AI chatbots with the empathetic touch of human agents. This hybrid model ensures that customers receive relevant responses, whether they are interacting with a bot or a human.

    10. Continuously Update the Chatbot Knowledge Base

      Keep your AI chatbot's knowledge base up to date with the latest products, services, and FAQs. A well-informed chatbot can provide customers with accurate information, enhancing the overall customer experience.

    Frequently asked questions

    When exploring the best ecommerce site search software for 2024, several questions naturally arise. Here, we address the top concerns, ensuring clarity and helping you make an informed decision. Our focus is on simplicity, relevance, and enhancing your site search usability and effectiveness.

    Can AI chatbots engage customers beyond answering questions?

    Yes, AI chatbots are designed for more than just answering customer questions. They engage in conversational commerce, automating sales and marketing tasks, and even initiating future retargeting campaigns to boost engagement and drive sales.

    Can AI chatbots integrate with existing ecommerce platforms?

    Yes, AI chatbots are designed for more than just answering customer questions. They engage in conversational commerce, autYes, most AI chatbots are designed to seamlessly integrate with various ecommerce platforms. This integration allows chatbots to access product catalogs, order management systems, and customer data, enabling them to provide comprehensive support and services.omating sales and marketing tasks, and even initiating future retargeting campaigns to boost engagement and drive sales.

    Can AI chatbots understand and communicate in multiple languages?

    Advanced AI chatbots are equipped with multilingual capabilities, allowing them to understand and communicate in multiple languages. This feature is crucial for ecommerce businesses serving diverse global markets, ensuring broader customer engagement.

    How do AI chatbots manage order status inquiries?

    AI chatbots can access real-time data from an ecommerce platform's order management system to provide customers with up-to-date information on their order status, including order confirmation, shipping updates, and delivery tracking.

    What role does natural language processing (NLP) play in AI chatbots?

    NLP is a core component of conversational AI that allows chatbots to understand and process human language. Through NLP, chatbots can interpret customer queries, discern their context and sentiment, and respond in a way that mimics natural human conversation.

    How do AI chatbots handle complex customer queries?

    AI chatbots use a combination of NLP, machine learning, and a structured knowledge base to handle complex queries. They analyze the query's context, match it with relevant information from their knowledge base, and if needed, escalate the query to a human agent for further assistance.

    What makes ecommerce chatbot platforms unique?

    Ecommerce chatbot platforms are specialized in handling online shopping queries and transactions. They understand ecommerce dynamics, support order tracking, and provide customized suggestions, making them essential for online retailers aiming to automate routine tasks and enhance user engagement.

    How do conversational AI chatbots differ from hybrid chatbots?

    Conversational AI chatbots rely solely on AI to understand and respond to user queries, offering a more fluid and dynamic interaction. Hybrid chatbots combine AI-driven interactions with the option to escalate complex queries to human agents, blending automated efficiency with human empathy and understanding.

    What analytics and reporting capabilities do AI chatbots offer?

    AI chatbots provide detailed analytics and reporting features, offering insights into customer behavior, chatbot performance, and interaction trends. These reports help businesses optimize their chatbot strategies and improve customer engagement.

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