March 30, 2024

How to add Google Search Console to your Shopify online store: Step-by-Step Guide

Author imaage
Tamilselvi Ramasamy
Associate Growth Manager
Google search console Shopify, Shopify Google search console, How to add Search console

In today's digital landscape, establishing a robust online presence is vital for the success of any business. As the primary source of traffic for Shopify businesses, organic search holds immense importance. The phrase "organic search" refers to the process of obtaining natural, unpaid search results on search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

To capitalize on this, understanding traffic trends and identifying valuable areas of your store are essential tasks for website owners.

That's where Google Search Console Shopify steps in as a crucial tool. In this guide, we'll take you through the process of Google Search Console integration with your Shopify store, empowering you to unlock its full potential.

By leveraging Google Search Console data, you can gain valuable insights into your site's performance and make informed decisions to optimize your online presence. From understanding traffic patterns to pinpointing areas for improvement, Google Search Console provides invaluable insights to optimize your online presence.

Throughout this article, we'll explore the significance of Google Search Console for your Shopify online store. We'll then provide a detailed walkthrough on how to connect Google Search Console to your Shopify store, ensuring seamless integration. Let's dive in and harness the power of Google Search Console click for your Shopify success!

Steps to add google search console

What is Google search console?

Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, is a free web service offered by Google that allows website owners to monitor and optimize their site's performance in Google search results. It provides valuable insights into how Google views your website, including information on indexing status, search queries that lead to your site, backlinks, and more.

Essentially, Google Search Console acts as a communication channel between website owners and Google, helping them understand and improve their site's visibility and performance in search engine results pages (SERPs).

How to add Google Search Console to Shopify store

Setting up Google Search Console for your Shopify store is a straightforward process. Below is the step-by-step process of adding google search console to your Shopify store.

Step 1: Login to Google search console account

To start with, you need a google search console account. If you do not have one, create it first. Then go to Google search console main page after login.

Step 2: Add your Shopify store domain

After login, a page will open where you need to enter Shopify store's homepage URL under URL prefix property type.

It is one of the verification methods to verify that you are the owner of your Shopify store domain. Copy the URL of your store and click "Continue".

You'll be presented with various verification methods, among which you'll find one labeled "HTML tag." This option can be located under the section titled "Other verification methods."

To confirm ownership of your Shopify property, you'll need to copy the meta tag provided within the HTML tag method. This meta tag should then be placed into the header of your Shopify store.

After copying, go back to the Shopify store admin area.

Step 3: Create Shopify Theme backup

Before proceeding further, let's take precautions to ensure the safety of your existing code in case anything doesn't proceed as planned. To do this, we'll create a backup of your current Shopify theme.

To begin with, log into your Shopify admin and go to Online Store and click "Themes". Next, locate the three dots [...] and select "Duplicate" from the options provided.

By doing this, you'll have the previous version readily available in your Theme library below. This will provide you with peace of mind as you proceed to make edits to your theme code.

Step 4: Add Google Search Console code

Again, click the three dots [...] and now click on "Edit Code" from the dropdown. This will take you to the Shopify Theme Editor where you have to do few simple steps of coding.

Navigate to "theme.liquid" from the left side menu and click on it. This will open few lines of code where you can edit code. All you have to do is, paste the link od meta tag you copied earlier just below the <head> section

After pasting, click "Save" to save the changes in the code.

Step 5: Google search console verification process

Go back to your Google search console window and click "Verify".

That’s it! You’ve officially connected your Shopify store to Google Search Console.

Benefits of using Google search console for Shopify stores

Adding Google Search Console to your Shopify store can be a game-changer! Let's explore the benefits of integrating Google Search Console with your Shopify online store.

Below are the 5 main benefits of using Google search console Shopify.

  1. Increased Website Visibility.
  2. Identify and Fix Website Issues.
  3. Enhanced SEO Performance.
  4. Improved Website Ranking.
  5. User-Friendly Interface.
  6. Monitor Your Website's Health.
  7. Identify SEO Opportunities.

1. Increased Website Visibility

By adding Google Search Console to your Shopify store, you gain valuable insights into how your site performs in Google search results using google analytics account. You'll see which keywords drive traffic to your store, allowing you to optimize your content for better visibility.

2. Identify and Fix Website Issues

Google Search Console alerts you to any technical issues that may affect your site's performance in search results. Whether it's broken links, crawl errors, or mobile usability problems, Google Search Console helps you identify and fix these issues promptly.

3. Enhanced SEO Performance

Using Google Search Console, you can monitor your site's SEO performance and track improvements over time. You'll see which pages rank highest in search results, allowing you to focus your SEO efforts where they matter most.

4. Improved Website Ranking

By analyzing search analytics data in Google Search Console, you can identify opportunities to improve your site's ranking in search results. Whether it's optimizing meta tags, improving site speed, or creating high-quality content, Google Search Console helps you make data-driven decisions to boost your site's visibility.

5. User-Friendly Interface

Google Search Console offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and understand your site's performance metrics. Even if you're new to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you'll find Google Search Console intuitive and straightforward to use.

6. Monitor Your Website's Health

Just like a car needs regular checkups, your Shopify store needs monitoring too! GSC keeps you informed about any indexing issues, broken links, or mobile usability problems that could be hurting your search ranking.

7. Identify SEO opportunities

Search engine optimization (SEO) is all about understanding how Google sees your website. GSC provides valuable insights into your top keywords, how your pages are performing in search results, and areas for improvement.


In conclusion, integrating Google Search Console with your Shopify store is a strategic move that unlocks a treasure trove of benefits. From gaining valuable insights into your website's health and SEO performance to identifying areas for improvement and boosting your store's visibility in search results, Google Search Console empowers you to take your Shopify store to the next level.

By following the step-by-step guide provided earlier, you can seamlessly add Google Search Console to your Shopify store and unlock its full potential. Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, and Google Search Console serves as a powerful tool to monitor your progress and make data-driven decisions that will ultimately lead to your Shopify success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. I'm not comfortable editing code. Are there alternative methods to verify ownership?

While the guide covers adding the verification code to your Shopify theme, Google Search Console offers alternative verification methods. These include uploading an HTML file, verifying through Google Analytics, or using a DNS TXT record.

2. How often should I check Google Search Console for my Shopify store?

It's recommended to monitor Google Search Console regularly to stay informed about any indexing issues, broken links, or mobile usability problems that could affect your site's performance in search results. Checking it at least once a week is a good practice.

3. Will adding Google Search Console automatically improve my Shopify store's ranking?

While Google Search Console won't directly boost your ranking, it provides valuable data to make informed SEO decisions. By identifying areas for improvement and implementing SEO best practices, you can increase your chances of achieving higher rankings in search results.

4. Can Google Search Console help me improve my Shopify store's SEO?

Yes, Google Search Console provides valuable insights into your site's SEO performance, including top keywords, page performance in search results, and areas for improvement. By using this data, you can make informed decisions to optimize your Shopify store for better search visibility.

5. How long does it take for changes made in Google Search Console to reflect in search results?

The time it takes for changes made in Google Search Console to reflect in search results can vary depending on factors such as the frequency of Google's crawlers visiting your site and the nature of the changes made. Generally, minor changes may take a few days to be reflected, while more significant changes may take longer.

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